Environmental Management – Reverse Logistics agreement with Eureciclo

Soft Works has as an environmental policy the reduction, reuse and treatment of solid waste, as well as an environmentally appropriate final destination of the waste.

We signed a contract with the company EURECICLO, which will carry out Reverse Logistics of Packaging through environmental compensation, guaranteeing the reinsertion of material equivalent to the paper and plastic packaging sold in all 26 states and also the Federal District into the production cycle.

Eureciclo uses the environmental compensation model as a solution for reverse logistics. Environmental compensation, in this case, consists of disposing in an environmentally correct way a mass of waste equivalent to the mass of packaging that a company places on the market. For this, we homologate the operators of collection and sorting of recyclable waste and, through our technological platform, we check the consistency of the process in a scalable and safe way.

On the other hand, engaged companies generate incentives for the development of these operators, prove their investment in the recycling chain and, finally, receive the eureciclo seal to stamp their packages and communicate their commitment to consumers.

For more information, visit www.eureciclo.com.br

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